Things have been pretty quiet around my place lately. Thanksgiving break was great. Food got eaten, and none of the truly annoying relatives showed up. I'd like to say that on a personal note I have evolved past all of my issues and concerns and am now a perfect student, good citizen, and social butterfly but I don't lie that well. I'm still wrestling with the unshakeable feeling that I do not belong in college. But since I already owe money I may as well make the best of it. I've got papers to write. Luckily semester ends in about two weeks. My best friend has temporarily forgotten that I don't want to cozy up to his new girlfriend, so that's been backburnered. My boyfriend apparently put a down payment on an engagement ring shortly before realizing that he only wanted to marry me out of a "strong sense of commitment" (how breathtakingly romantic...not love, but commitment, much like I am a new car). That is completely unresolved and can stay that way for all I care. My niece came to visit and has turned into a stunning young woman over night. We went to a bookstore and suddenly a couple of kids from the college who had to be sophomores started talking really loudly about all of the art that they knew (I remember doing idiotic things to impress guys and so kindly didn't point out that Primavera was NOT the Birth of Venus, and that they were by Botticcelli, NOT Rembrandt). I stood there, half tempted to lean over and whisper "jailbait" at them and half tempted to pat them on the heads and laugh. I did neither.
And thats life in a nutshell. Off to sleep.